This Saves Precious Monthly Computation Time

Many companies and organizations still face payroll management and HR challenges in the day-to-day administration of their business. Furthermore, the in advance cost implication of buying and establishing legacy payroll systems, together with the required infrastructure set up can be prohibitive and tasking financially. Our payroll system takes care of your payroll and HR administration, giving you the freedom and flexibility required to grow your business. Our customer support engineers are knowledgeable and well equipped to assist you if you get stuck or have challenges.

PrimePayroll is safe, efficient, and easy to use with zero in advance purchases, all from the comfort of your Internet enabled PC or mobile device! No upfront costs, No software installations, Accessible anywhere. PrimePayroll is a business-cloud service for payroll and individual source management. Primepayroll ENABLES YOU TO Wish Everyday Was Payday.

Primepayroll is designed and optimized for a rich user experience across devices and web browsers. So you reach enjoy the same degree of ease, quickness, and features from at anytime anywhere. Rest assured. Your data is safe around. Primepayroll works on the latest web systems to provide an intuitive and highly secure online program. • Encrypted User Passwords. Payroll Management Just got easier. On a monthly basis PrimePayroll helps reduce the commitment required to administer payroll.

• Easily calculate deductions and additions. • Automate the acceptance process. • View payment history and detailed reports. • generate and send payslips Automatically. • bring new employees on-board. Flexible enough to change when you do. • adapt computations Automatically. • Administer or approve payroll anytime, anywhere. Now you don’t have to worry about the rules.

  • Owners lose control, when the initial owners hold significantly less than 51% of stocks
  • Individual Account Identifier, and
  • Food Service Management-5 percent, slower than average
  • Business Partner Master Data
  • LGBT community support
  • Web Analytics

Because we’ve done that for you. • Comply with CBN e-payment directive for SMEs. • Comply with Pension and PAYE rules. • Comply with Banks transfer formats. PrimePayroll has a bunch of features which make it your HR and payroll solution of preference in today’s business where compliance, protection, and convenience are of paramount importance. At FuelVoucher, we found a perfect fit in PrimePayroll as its automation of our payroll and employee management tasks took away a headache and in a cost-effective manner.

It also helps that the application is nice and simple to use, and the support service delightful. It is a great system for automating payroll and payslip administration. Furthermore, I’ve enjoyed amazing technical support! Being a payroll consultant, I enjoy using Primepayroll because of its flexibility and the ability to tweak settings to desired.