Why These Two May Finally Jointly Be Getting

Sales and marketing. Sales and Marketing. So close, yet, so different. The unique, sometimes contradictory concepts of the two business disciplines are well noted. You can find countless treatises on this eternal conflict, many right here within in these pages. People who have very big brains spend an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out how to bridge the gap between both of these critical, but often conflicting business disciplines. But will be the pundits simply perpetuating a legendary feud, a culture of conflict that basically isn’t relevant anymore? I mean, without this subject, what else would they reveal? Are they like the dentist who doesn’t really want cavities to go away, at least not absolutely all of them?

I for one believe we can start burying the S however they were relatively scarce in comparison to today’s competitive scenery, where access to messages, promises, deals, and promotions is unlimited virtually. People just aren’t so easily persuaded anymore. The world is transparent to anyone who cares to look inside totally, and as a result, audiences of all kinds to demand greater accountability from the companies they do business with.

Today there are endless options, and limitless methods of accessing them. The reality is, we can no longer tell our targets anything they don’t really want to listen to. Because someone else is there waiting for the opportunity to provide precisely what they’re looking for. So what’s the answer? How do marketers and sales professionals alike get their respective audiences to say “yes”?

And while the term may not be used as much in weekly sales meetings, engagement has always been the purpose of any good salesperson. What is engagement Just? While there still appears to be no definitive definition, as a starting place, engagement is approximately building meaningful relationships with audiences (or prospects), on the terms. Engagement is all about involvement, entertainment, relevance, human relationships, customer focus, listening a lot more than we speak, then speaking in our audience’s language rather than our very own.

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All of this might appear self-evident. But it’s easier in theory in today’s world of continuously shifting tastes, communication/entertainment, and interests options. Both sales and marketing professionals have a lot to think about if they are going to effectively engage their targets. And each can learn a trick or two from the other. Nimbleness. Great salespeople will always be able to start a dime. They know that the chance leads the dance, and if they’re to succeed, they need to be in concert using their partner, sensitive to their subtlest move and quick to turn and spin and dip whenever they’re ready. Many marketers still want to lead.

They find out about this engagement thing, but at the end of your day, still think they know much better than the audience the actual audience would like. Learn from your sales colleagues. Give the audience what they’re requesting, if it changes day-to-day even. They decide, you provide. Immediacy. You can find no more long-term propositions, at least not in the way there were in the past.